Life in Zurich

A short data-driven essay with random facts about Zurich. Written to demonstrate a charting system and workflow.
Thomas Preusse, November 11th 2016

CC BY-SA 3.0 Mijio

Zurich has 18 outdoor bathing spots and 7 indoors. Who celebrates this bathing high culture?

The municipality has 410'404 inhabitants. It's organized in 12 districts. Most, 72'831, live in district 11 – in the quarters Affoltern, Oerlikon and Seebach. District 11 has also grown rapidly from 2000 to 2015.

The median taxable income is the highest in district 8, Seefeld, where I work and the 3rd lowest in district 4, Aussersihl, where I live. The statistic is measured based on residence.

Inhabitans are between 0 and 107 years old. 89 women and 17 men are 100 or more years old.

Enough about human inhabitants, what else is there?

There are 6'928 dogs registered as of March 7th 2016, calling one of the twelve districts their home. Two mystery dogs do not live in a specific district:

One can only assume that they have gone rogue and escaped city police's control.

If you want to see a labrador retriever head to district 7, for chihuahuas district 11 should deliver.

4'766 dogs are registered by women, 2'164 by men.

The most populous primary breed with female owners is chihuahuas, with male owners labrador retrievers.

CC BY 2.0 Rob Hanson
CC BY-SA 3.0 Peter van der Sluijs

Back to the bathing, here is a map of all the spots for you:

Go forth and swim and chart!